Healthy Long Hair Tips, 10 Grow Long hair Tips:

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Healthy Long Hair Tips

There is no easy way to make hair long and beautiful; if we take care of them and keep them in the evening, then only our hair will look very beautiful, shiny, strong, and black, and will also remain long. For hair care, we should keep our food right in food, so that our hair will be fine. We waste a lot of money due to hair problems, but no result comes so that our hair will be fine. We waste a lot of money due to hair problems, but no result comes. So, today we will provide you with suggestions for resolving your hair issues or tips for healthy long hairs and growing long hair tips.

1. First of all you eat healthy food:

You should always eat food that contains a lot of protein vitamins. We should eat milk, curd, cereals, pulses, vegetables, green vegetables.

2. Castor Oil:

Using this oil keeps our hair very strong and also looks black. This oil is a little sticky but it strengthens our hair a lot.

3. Apply:

 This oil 30 40 minutes before washing your hair and massage the hair thoroughly and then wash the hair.

4. Massage for long hair tips:

Always massage your head so that the oil reaches the roots of your hair and strengthens it by going there.

5.Twicw a week massage:

Get such a massage twice a week first to reduce the rush inside your growing hair and for long hair style.

6.Avoid Ammonia:

Do not use as much ammonia ,your hair colour as much as you can.

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Healthy Long Hair Tips

7.Take less Stress:

 Always be stress free. The biggest cause of hair loss is your stress, so that hair loss occurs.

8. Apply aloe vera gel:

 Applying aloe vera gel eliminates hair loss It reduces hair dandruff and always maintains hair shine and is the best long hair tips or long hair tips for men.

9.Less hairs:

 If our hairs are reduced, our hair will grow on its own.

10. Mix a little lemon and aloe vera gel:

Mix a little lemon and aloe vera gel in aloe vera gel 20 minutes before washing so that your hair glows and strength, and they will be very helpful for growing long hairs.

For further to know about:

Eggs for Hair Treatment or Eggs for Hair