Foods for Healthy Hair:

Foods you eat had a very close relation with your hairs health. Healthy hairs needs the following ten foods for proper growth and strength:-

1.Fish Salmon:

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair, Top ten best foods for healthy hair, 10 best foods for healthy hair

Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel. Because your body cannot produce these healthy fats, you must obtain them from diet or supplementation. They not only protect you from disease, but they also assist your body produce hair and maintain it lustrous and full.

2. Yogurt full of protein:

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair, Top ten best foods for healthy hair, 10 best foods for healthy hair

Yogurt is rich in protein , and is the basic unit of hait. Greek yoghurt also contains an element that promotes scalp blood flow and hair development. It's called vitamin B5 (also known as pantothenic acid) and it may help prevent hair loss and thinning. You may see pantothenic acid listed as an ingredient on the labels of your hair and skincare products.

3. Strong hair with Spinach:

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair, Top ten best foods for healthy hair, 10 best foods for healthy hair

Spinach, like many other dark green leafy vegetables, is packed with nutrients. It's high in vitamin A and iron, as well as beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C. These all work together to keep your scalp and mane in good shape. They keep your hair hydrated and prevent it from breaking. Another wonderful green option is kale

4. Guava with Vitamin C

Vitamin C abounds in this tropical fruit. It guards against hair breakage. Guava provides 377 mgs of vitamin C per cup. That's more than four times the recommended daily dose.

5.Poultry to get protein for Thickness of hair

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair, Top ten best foods for healthy hair, 10 best foods for healthy hair

Hair development "pauses" when you don't eat enough protein. Hair loss can occur when it stops and older hairs fall out. Choose lean meats like chicken or turkey, which have less saturated fat than beef and other forms of protein.

6.Potatoes i.e Sweet Potatoes reduces dullness

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair, Top ten best foods for healthy hair, 10 best foods for healthy hair

Have you got dry, brittle hair that's lost its lustre? Sweet potatoes are high in beta carotene (BC), an antioxidant that is beneficial to your health. In the body this BC is CHANGED to vitamin-A. This helps to prevent hair from becoming dry and lifeless. It also promotes your scalp glands to produce sebum, an oily fluid that protects your hair from drying out. Other orange foods that contain beta carotene include carrots, pumpkin, cantaloupe, and mangoes.

7.Cinnamon helps in blood circulation

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair, Top ten best foods for healthy hair, 10 best foods for healthy hair

Season your porridge, toast, and coffee with this spice. It aids blood flow, commonly known as circulation. That's how your hair follicles get oxygen and nourishment.

8.Eggs & Hair :Best for hairs

When you consume eggs, you're getting plenty of protein and iron. They're high in biotin, a B vitamin that promotes hair growth. Hair loss might occur if you don't get enough of this vitamin. Biotin also aids in the strengthening of weak fingernails.

9. Oysters Contains Zinc Prevent Hair Loss

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair, Top ten best foods for healthy hair, 10 best foods for healthy hair

Hair loss, including eyelash loss, can occur if you don't get enough of this mineral in your diet i.e Zinc. Zinc is needed by cells that create hair to help them operate at their best. This mineral can also be found in beef, crab, lobster, and fortified cereal.

10. Iron prevents Hair loss:

Top Ten Foods for Healthy Hair, Top ten best foods for healthy hair, 10 best foods for healthy hair

Hair loss might occur if you don't get enough iron. This vital nutrient, however, may be found in fortified cereals, grains, and pastas, as well as soybeans and lentils. There's a lot of it in beef, especially organ meats like liver. Shellfish and dark leafy greens are also good chices.

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